Wednesday 2 May 2018

TeacherTubers (Part 2)

Hey there,

Do you remember that project we were carrying out? In it, we had to prepare a flipped classroom for our students about the Children's rights. Here I leave the blog post where I explain all the details. 

Well, once our storyboard was done, it was time to record the video. The most fun part. For this, we needed a chroma. A chroma is a green or blue background that is used in the audiovisual to replace the background with the image that we want. To do this, we were to the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del Profesorado, INTEF, where the Future Classroom Lab is and there is chroma in the classroom. It was possible thanks to the invitation of our teacher María Jesús García (@mjgsm). 

There, the recording time was limited, but we adapted the best we could to record the video. I, as a recorder, used a gimbal to stabilize the video and a condenser microphone to improve the sound quality. Beatriz (@beapf12) was in charge of editing the video where our partners Alba (@laprofe_alba), Ramón (@ramonestruch) and Pedro (@peter_teachs) acted perfectly. It was a great experience for all of us!

Here you have the result.

This video has been recorded for students of 5th grade of Primary Education. We are work with it in the subject "Values". Our students should find out about the rest of Children's rights after watching the video.

  • To know Children's rights. 
  • To know we all have the same basic rights, but not everyone enjoys them equally. 
  • To respect opinions and evaluations of the rest of the classmates.
  • To work cooperatively. 
  • To use ICTs.
Flip teaching offers teacher more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing. Videos are very visual for our students and they feel more motivated. Furthermore, they are learning in an inductive way, what helps them learning.

As a personal reflection, this task has helped me in many different ways. Sometimes, teamwork is difficult but I think that my peers and me have worked perfectly and solved all the problems that we found in front of us. It has been a pleasure work with them. Furthermore, I love audiovisual, but I had never done a project like this one where we had to mix video, audio, production and edition. It has been a great opportunity (and a challenge) to improve and develop my audiovisual skills. Finally, once that I have discovered the usefulness of flipped classroom, I think that I am going to apply it on my classroom. As I told you before, children feel strongly motivated and they learn a lot.

Here you have some photos taken the recording day.

Hope you like it! ;)

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