Wednesday 2 May 2018

Sharing my experience - #twima8

Hey there,

Today I am going to talk about Flipgrid. Flipgrid is a social network for teachers and students where they can share videos that can be helpful to others. The teacher can upload interesting videos to his students or he can use it as a tool for his students to upload videos of a specific project.

In my case, I have participated in a project called #twima8 - We all have a story!. Twima means The World Is My Audience and 8 is the number of the edition. On it, everyone can share their experiences or  anecdotes in education.

Here is my own video, I hope you find it fun.

This tool is very easy to use.

First, you will find a plus sign in the upper left part of the site to add a new video.

Afterwards, you will only have to record your video. You will have 5 minutes of duration.

Next, you will take a picture and decorate it as you like. You can add stickers or drawing on it.

Finally, you enter your personal data and it would be ready.

As a personal reflection, this experience has been very meaningful for me. Teachers usally do not have time enough to share our teaching experiences. Something that is essential for me because it helps us to improve and learn from our partners. Participating in the project # twima8 I have learned many things from my classmates and I hope they have learned with me too. If you have the opportunity to share experiences with other teachers, either in this, in another tool or on a day-to-day do not hesitate to take advantage of it.

Here you have some other experiences that I really enjoyed.

Hope you like it!;)

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