Thursday 22 March 2018

Using comics in a CLIL lesson

Hey there,

How many times did you see the use of a comic as a resource in a lesson? Probably few. That is the reason why here I bring a new resource to use in a CLIL lessons.

I found a problem in my classroom. My students did not feel confortable with the topic "Moon landing". So, I thought that the best way to make them feel better was if Neil Armstrong himself tells the story.

The question is... how do create a comic? Easy. The answer is Pixton. In this website you can change every single expression and position of every single character of the comic. A tool where you can spend hours and hours improving your work. In my case, I also recorded dialogues.

There is only one thing that I do not like of this resource. It is not free. However, you have 15 days of trial.

Do not hesitate and try to create your own comic. Here is mine.

Hope you like  it! ;)

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